Sam Goldsmith

A blog about music, travel, writing, photography, politics, Istanbul, teaching, life, and everything in between

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Objective Proof That Girls Are Better Than Boys

This is a little something I discovered as I was teaching comparatives and superlatives to my 6th grade class:

You can usually identify a comparative by the -er at the end and a superlative by the -est at the end. The three levels for "good" are "good, bettER, bEST." So, going from there, hER must be bettER than him. Girls must be better than boys.

My 6th graders were - and still are - very opinionated about this. But for me, this is irrefutable proof.

Kind of.

A note about the Christmas tree I've mentioned in a previous post: AftER talking with my students I learned that in Istanbul it's common to celebrate the New Year by decorating a tree. This actually caused a lot of confusion in the students regarding Christmas - a lot of them thought it was just anothER word for a New Year's celebration!

Today I was in parents meetings from 4:15-8:00. No break, just a steady stream of parents. And I didn't even get to see the parents of all my students! I felt so bad for the young woman who was translating for me. She was wilting like a too-cold flowER by the end of it all. And the bEST thing is we get to do it all again tomorrow!

I'm dizzy.

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