Sam Goldsmith

A blog about music, travel, writing, photography, politics, Istanbul, teaching, life, and everything in between

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Little Solace

If you've been reading my blog lately you probably know that I'm upset with Christians these days. I'm upset at the crazy right-wing Rick Santorum followers for being violently hateful and the moderates and liberals for being apparently unwilling to speak out against it.

Well, perhaps the far right fringe groups of American Christianity has finally gone too far and gotten some of the non-far-right-fringe Christians in an organization called Faithful America to organize a message condemning Tony Perkins' hate speech towards homosexuals and asking why MSNBC continues to provide him with a platform to spread his hate to viewers nationwide. You can see the 30-second ad, which MSNBC refused to air for obvious reasons, below:

It's nice to know there are Christians out there fighting against homophobia. I'm sure there are faith-based reasons to believe in equal rights for everyone regardless of sexual orientation, and if those arguments could only gain publicity then we could avoid the very dangerous prospect of the hateful far right from deciding what "true" Christianity is for Americans, as Rick Santorum is trying to do.

Meanwhile, at Faithful America's site you can read about efforts of not-crazy Christians to combat the right's overwhelming hate furor. You can even sign a petition, their favorite mode of action, if you want.

For me, on the other hand, it's time for bed.

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