Sam Goldsmith

A blog about music, travel, writing, photography, politics, Istanbul, teaching, life, and everything in between

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Freedom To Discriminate

Remember when Herman Cain published an article claiming that Jesus was the original capitalist and concluding that government should abandon the poor?

Remember how Rick Perry claimed that homosexuals should not be allowed to openly serve in the military because it infringes on religious freedoms?

Remember the Michigan anti-bullying law that religious conservatives amended, allowing bullying to continue if the bullies have religious reasons? Remember how they achieved religious exception for bullying gays?

Remember when Rick Santorum told a gay man that his relationship has no intrinsic value to society? Remember how he said women in combat could compromise missions? Remember when he said that millions of Americans, including President Obama, aren't really Christians because there's no such thing as a liberal Christian?

Remember how the Virginia state legislature passed legislation requiring women who want an abortion to look at an ultrasound of the fetus first, an ultrasound only obtainable in most cases by probing women's vaginas, in order to preserve the "sanctity of life"? In other words, legalized violation similar to rape?

Remember how some pharmacists refuse to sell the morning after pill to rape victims because they're so pro-life? And others who won't sell birth control at all?

Remember when legislature was proposed in Georgia that would make it illegal to have a miscarriage?

Remember when Prop 8 passed in California in 2008, still in the courts today and still denying rights to same sex couples?

Attention social conservatives:

The religious right is not fighting for the right to free religious practice. It is fighting for the right to discriminate against other in the name of religious practice. The right to establish and practice religion as specified in the first amendment does not give the right to persecute others with religious freedom as the excuse. It does not give you the right to do whatever you want simply because you are religious.

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