Sam Goldsmith

A blog about music, travel, writing, photography, politics, Istanbul, teaching, life, and everything in between

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Novel Excerpt Part 2

Ciao, Tutti!

I don't really have that much to talk about today, but now that I've written 100 pages of my novel I feel that I should probably post another excerpt. Especially since I've been wanting to post this for a while now, though schoolwork hasn't allowed me such freedom.

A quick bit of disappointing news: the Flaming Fire installation project I had been talking about before? Yeah, funny story. Turns out the person hooking us up with the space has failed to do the job so far, which was supposed to be done 2 weeks ago. 'Aint art grand? I'll let you know when I know more.

And now, without further introduction, another unedited excerpt. It's a short one today, about music! Enjoy if you dare!

Outside the Crystal - Excerpt #2

Raychel had the urge to go to Tarana’s empty room and listen to music. Raychel never thought about listening to music before, but she used to do it with Tarana in her room, the sound almost too loud to talk over. Tarana was a certified audiophile, and she spent years scrounging together the perfect sound system. The speakers were so tall that Raychel couldn’t see the tops, and the legs were all made of triangles to reduce excess vibrations. “Sit on the futon, right here in the middle, if you want the sound that’s so good it’ll give you a sugar rush, okay?” said Tarana, flipping a Reamer Buoy disc into the player as Raychel braced for impact. “You lose some quality with digital music,” Tarana shouted over the singing. “Someday I want Cy to make an analogue version of amplification, like they had in the old days.” Cy flipped through the Glowstick computer magazine, lying back on Tarana’s bed.

“What?” said Raychel.

As much as Raychel didn’t remember being drawn to the music, she couldn’t help but feel it inside her now. Not Reamer Buoy, whose northern jubilant blues style was too upbeat for now, but something else. Reamer Buoy had a place in Raychel’s consciousness nonetheless. Thinking of it reminded her of Tarana sitting next to her on the futon, wrapping her arm around Raychel’s shoulder (even though Raychel would only tense up in response), smelling faintly of sweat and makeup, saying, “Now isn’t that the most awesome thing you’ve ever heard? Tell me you don’t think that’s awesome. Oh! I love this song! Get out of the middle seat, Raychel!” It reminded Raychel of “Let’s make a pact to stick together, okay?” It reminded her of Jerroldian slang, and it even sounded like Jerroldian slang when she thought about it. The music smelled faintly of sweat and makeup, and it felt like an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

To be continued...

Don't forget, folks: comments are available! Everything unanswered in this blog is still done for a reason, don't worry. So if you want to know more about Jerroldian slang or why I put a "Y" in Rachel's name or why I capitalized the word "Glowstick," feel free to ask.


-Sam goldsmith

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