Sam Goldsmith

A blog about music, travel, writing, photography, politics, Istanbul, teaching, life, and everything in between

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Short - Group Therapy

Ciao, Tutti!

For those of you who don't know, it was Thanksgiving last weekend. The holiday of food and family! Being far away in California all my life, it has mainly been a holiday of food and close friends for me traditionally, although I never really did develop a solid Thanksgiving tradition. However, now that I go to school in New York and I'm not so homesick that I have to waste my parents' money by flying all the way home for each three-day weekend, I was able to take advantage of the cheaper tickets and fly to Detroit for the holiday. And it was wonderful, even if I ate everybody out of house, home, apartment, trailer, or whatever it was they were all living in. Basically I ate. And ate. And ate. Food tastes good, you know?

Now we're back to school, and it's time to think about finals. It won't be time to do anything other than think until the day before, but thinking about them will force me to post less blogs. It's always something, isn't it? Nanowrimo, then schoolwork, all keeping me from writing. And yet I somehow manage to do it. Just don't look at my grades when they come in.

I'm just kidding. You can look at my grades as soon as I've fled the country.

Speaking of writing, I've finally finished my next short piece, the last one I drafted before November. I've had a hard time with this one and I still don't think it's quite done yet, but it's ready for the online community to critique. So here you are! If you're too full from Thanksgiving turkey to digest some more words, I understand entirely. Wait, no I don't. What does "too full" mean, anyway?

Where to find the other stories

The other stories are in the archives somewhere along the left-hand side of my blog, intermingled with the pictures I took in Europe and shameless self-promotion.

"Sam Fails to Finish a Love Story" is under the post entitled "Sam Fails to Finish a Love Story" (duh) in the month of November.

"The VideoMag Proposal" is under the post entitled "The Day Before November" in October. It's a long post and the story is near the bottom.

"Cliche Central" is under the post entitled "Art Sharing Day" in October.

My brother's sudden fiction, "On The Way To Work," is under the post entitled "On The Way To Work - My Brother, The Storyteller" in November.

Warning! This story, while not as vulgar as my brother's, has some potent language in places. Just be sure to note that before you read it out loud to your kids. Since that's what I assume you do as soon as I post a story. Don't deny it.

"Group Therapy" has been removed from the site by me, Sam goldsmith, for copyright reasons. Deal with it.

This is embarrassingly autobiographical. Basically the only thing in here that's not true is the crush on my therapist. I've had therapy before, but the therapist wasn't very attractive. And I never told her anything that personal, so I wasted my folks' money. Again. Damn, I'm getting good at that! Anyway, I've never had a therapy session quite like that before, but I do get hopelessly attracted to women who look like the girl who broke my heart. It kind of sucks. And I talk to myself. I'm doing it right now, in fact.

The important thing I'm trying to get across is the need for real love, not simple attraction, which is why I'm not too into her at the end and I try to use words that make it seem like we're fighting each other rather than in love with each other. Plus I sort of remove myself - the real me - from the picture.

Ha ha! Can you see the real me, doctor? Sorry, inside joke between me and The Who fans.

Anyway, let me know if I did a decent job getting that message across at the end. Did I at least make it clear that I didn't want a relationship with her even though I was hopelessly attracted to her? I didn't? Nooooooooo!!!!!!!

Anyway, time for Andy Milne Ensemble. Catch you all later. Happy finals period and crazy holiday shopping time! Yippee!

-sam goldsmith

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