So there is some proof I was there above where you are currently reading. I was there over the weekend, and I know I have been away from human contact. I didn't even know Pau Gasol was traded to the Lakers. Anyway, there is a lot a lot a lot to write about for the Venice entry, and part of it is why I will not be writing it now. You see, I am entirely worn out from not sleeping, aching shoulders from a backpack I'll remember to pack more lightly next time, and missing the train back and having to stand the whole way, only to find everything closed when I got back so there was no dinner and nowhere to buy milk for breakfast the next morning, which also happened to be Monday, my heaviest day of classes (class from 10:30-8:00, baby! Thank goodness for the light break for lunch which is nearly negated by the commute). Suffice to say I am very tired right now, and I have nearly reached my limit for writing right now. But everyone keep their eyes open. I'll be writing about Venice as soon as I can, which may be tomorrow after class or Wednesday or both. For now, here are some pictures to hold you over or whet your appetite, whichever works for you. The reason they're all so gray is because it rained the entire time I was there. It was still beautiful. I took 270 pictures. Click on them to make them bigger.
-Sam g