Sam Goldsmith

A blog about music, travel, writing, photography, politics, Istanbul, teaching, life, and everything in between

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Another English-Language News Source on Turkey

Keeping with the political theme of my last post:

My coworker just turned me on to a website that provides English translations of foreign newspapers from around the world. Many of their partners are French, but you can also read some of the newspaper giant Hürriyet's coverage.

I think everyone should take a look at the Hürriyet website if only to browse the headlines. That should give you a clue that the coming election is much more complex than the New York Times made it out to be in their Wednesday front page article.

I find this editorial very interesting. Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan's biggest triumph in the eyes of moderates has been his ability to keep the country's economy in the same place despite the crises in Europe and America. However, this article suggests that by refusing to publicly release the IMF report on Turkey the government is saying that the economy here isn't as stable as people think.

Here's an article about the silencing about the left-leaning press in Turkey, which has barely received any attention at all in America. This article focuses on the censorship's effect on the European Union, although in my experience most of the Turks I know aren't interested in joining the Union, unlike when I first came to Turkey 2 years ago (before the Wall Street collapse). Still, if you only read American papers you'll most likely never know about the silencing of the press here.

Just some food for thought.

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