Sam Goldsmith

A blog about music, travel, writing, photography, politics, Istanbul, teaching, life, and everything in between

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Blogging Regulations

Ciao, Tutti!

This message is a matter of boring, legal importance. More of an explanation, really, for a trend that will soon be implemented on the blog so the cops don't come for me. Starting December 1, Bloggers have to disclose any relationship they have to a product they are reviewing, extolling, farting on, or even mentioning. Specifically, I have to announce whether I promote that product because the company provided me with a free sample for the purpose. For more in-depth information, follow this link:

Just so I can get in the practice of doing this, let me say that I am an online subscriber to the New York Times, which is free because of my being a student. The New York Times has not contacted me once - ever - and I could have just as easily used another online news source to provide the above link.

Sections of this blog are about to get boring. Disclaimers every time I review a CD?! Sorry, everyone, I'm just a law abiding citizen. (I have no relation with the movie "Law Abiding Citizen." I only know about it because of subway posters.)

You know, there's a chance I'm taking this a little too seriously.

But even though this is going to be a pain in the eyeball for me, I think this regulation makes a lot of sense. Sincerity in advertising is important, I believe, and for companies to take advantage of the authenticating nature of the popular Internet to manipulate our perceptions is unethical. For a while now I have been reviewing/suggesting CD's to listen to, movies and TV shows, and basketball franchises to root for, and it would be pretty sleazy if I was being paid off to do this with promotions. If I ever endorse (I hate that word, by the way) anything, be it Flaming Fire, the Re:Write Review, travel to Florence, Avatar: The Last Airbender, or the crappy relief pitching of the Detroit Tigers, I will be (and have been) forthright about my connections to those franchises. I'm not trying to trick you into liking Rouroni Kenshin and Genovese-style pesto sauce for any self-serving purpose other than to share my actual thought with you all. And shouldn't all product endorsement be that way?

Now I need to take a sip from my refreshing yet low-calorie Coke Zero before I get back to reading my comprehensive and easy-to-read WestLaw Constitution of the United States.

-Sam goldsmith

P.S. I don't actually drink Coke Zero. That stuff is gross.

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