Calloway (Rosie's dad), Can, and Rosie with the food. Yes, Rosie's giving the cat bunny ears.
Here are some pictures of the event. Many of them were taken by the little girl, Rosie. It was a big day for her - today is also Children's Day in Turkey and there had been a big celebration at the school earlier, which I would've had to go to if it weren't for religious exception. Yippie!
Socrates's 4th glass of wine (photo by Rosie)
Too much wine for the cat!* (photo by Rosie)
Can and me (photo by Rosie)
A terribly ugly picture of me eating the afikomen with Can in the background (photo by Rosie)
Can holding Socrates while we open the door for Elijah (photo by Rosie)
Can holding Socrates, me partly off-camera eating the afikomen (photo by Rosie)

Rosie and the cat
Rosie and Liza (her mother) reciting a poem about homes
The end of the seder with Can, me, and Liza (photo by Rosie)
Calloway (Rosie's dad) and Rosie next to the food tables. Calloway had hurt his back, so he sat on the couch. Check out how I packed the little tables I have with as much food as I possibly could! The afikomen is wrapped in a pillowcase... many of the dishes belong to my neighbor including all the wine glasses... I'm using the little ledge on my balcony as refrigeration space... but I think one of the most exciting things about passover is that you're not supposed to get everything perfect, but you do as much as you can with what you've got. That's the challenge of hosting a seder in a foreign land!
P.S. As I've just discovered, my blog is no longer censored! I guess the government figured I wasn't attracting too much rebellious attention... Anyway, my site is back on the air for the Turkish people! Yet I still don't have internet at my apartment (I'm writing this from school), so I still won't be able to update regularly and enjoy my uncensored-ship. Maybe I should get an intern to do it for me...
*No cats were harmed in the making of these pictures. We didn't actually give him wine...