Ciao, Tutti!
Ah, here we go! Finally, something great to share with you all! Let me catch my breath - the excitement is too much for me.
So I have now posted on my First Regrets MySpace page two "new" songs for you all, because I love you all so much (at: http://www.myspace.com/firstregrets , or at the left hand side of the blog under "Free Streaming") And when I say "new," I mean old. You see, mixing and mastering and realizing that I f-ed up some of the lyrics is a process that takes time, and the old songs are improving little by little. All it takes is a complete re-recording of the vocals and the adding of some lead guitar to turn a mediocre song into a... well, still mediocre song. But better!
Plus, I get to reveal the album art for the CD, "I Don't Know," at the top of the post. 'Aint it lovely?
Anyway, I have completely revamped "My Dear" (not to be confused with DEAR - Drop Everything And Read), so you should all check it out. It's the piece of music whose production package I'm most proud of at the moment. Check it out. Also I have added stuff to Taming Tigers, which isn't as big a change, but it's a change. You should listen to that one, too. Why not?
Now, on to fix that complete recording disaster that is "My Own Fault." Enjoy!
-Sam goldsmith
P.S. Joe Henry's new CD, "Blood From Stars," is pretty amazing. Well, somewhere between 2/3 and 3/4 is amazing. Still, totally worth it.